omoeopathy “TREAT THE PATIENT NOT THE DISEASE.” --- This wise saying is known to everybody either lover of homoeopathy or also to hater of homoeopathy. But why the word “SICK” is not used here ?

§1 THE physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure,….
(Organon of Medicine by S. Hahnemann)

Hahnemann once said, “There are no diseases, but sick people.”[Kent’s Philosophy, Page – 22]
“It is a man that is sick and to be restored to health, not his body, not the tissues.”[Kent’s Philosophy, Page – 19]
“It is the sole duty of the physician to heal the sick. It is not his sole duty to heal the results of sickness, …..”[Kent’s Philosophy, Page – 22]

● In Real Homoeopathy, the word “SICK” is given utmost importance, because this word indicates apparently healthy state of an individual. For the treatment, medicine is prescribed considering only this state which is the indicator of existence of six true diseases controlled by six groups of detrimental genes. During Real Homoeopathic treatment, symptoms of different true diseases are considered only which is expressed by philosophy of earliest part of life; but not considering the symptoms of present complaints i.e., “results of disease” which is called superficial kind of homoeopathic treatment.

●● Every individual starts its journey as single cell zygote is having vital force and disease force controlled by different group of genes. Vital force is originated from the activities of beneficial proteins which is produced by beneficial group of genes. And disease force is originated from the combined activities of six true diseases which is controlled by various kinds of harmful proteins which are produced from six groups of detrimental genes. These harmful group of genes may remain in three states in an individual, respectively ---- inactive or active or overactive state or all six true diseases may remain in different state in an individual (one or more may remain in inactive state, one or more may remain in active state, and one or more may remain in overactive state) which are inherited from ancestors. When an individual is having either inactive or active state of harmful group of genes is considered as healthy individual (apparently) as there is no complaint or suffering i.e., no results of disease is observed; but true diseases are present always (since unicellular zygote up to last breath). On the other hand, an individual is suffering from different problems i.e., different “results of disease” physically as well as mentally at present due to presence of overactive state of one or more group of harmful genes, is considered as diseased individual; but the individual started its journey with all the six true diseases since zygote.

●●● An individual may inherit different noninfectious disease (i.e. results of disease), like ---- diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, breast cancer, etc. through responsible genes; but may not be observed throughout the life till the internal economy of the individual becomes fertile. On the other hand, no individual will suffer from any infectious disease (i.e. results of disease) , like --- typhoid, tuberculosis, covid-19, etc. throughout the life till the internal economy of the individual becomes fertile. For making the internal economy of an individual fertile, the main role is played by Post Rabies Syndrome associated with other five true diseases, respectively – Psoric miasm, Syphilitic miasm, Sycotic miasm, Tubercular diathesis and Post Trauma Syndrome . Actually, different harmful group of genes responsible for different true diseases control different organo-chemical reactions in a cell disharmoniously. As a result, different toxic materials are produced in every cell with which various destructive reactions start increasing and beneficial events start decreasing gradually. So no more sufficient beneficial hormonal and enzymatic activities is observed. Due to want of proper useful and essential product, cell becomes weak gradually and will destroy ultimately. This is the mystery for becoming fertile internal economy of an individual. Besides, treatment for the present complaints considering present signs and symptoms create deviation, distortion and perversion in higher center. The internal economy of an individual becomes fertile with this type of symptomatic treatment also.

●●●● This inevitable event can be avoided with the help of Real Homoeopathic treatment for making sterile to the fertile internal economy of the individual. This treatment is done considering philosophy of earliest part of life of an individual and also with the help of six cycles after special type of case taking. By this way, permanent inactivation of different group of inactive, active, and overactive harmful group of genes is possible. Then the internal economy of the individual will become sterile permanently.


CONSTITUTION: “Constitution is that aggregate of hereditary characters, influenced more or less by environment, which determines the individual’s reaction, successful or unsuccessful, to the stress of environment”. - Stuart Close Constitutional Diagnosis: §§ 5, 90, 232, 3

••• To assess the peculiarities of an individual during his or her healthy state. The peculiarities of each individual are put together and assessed in three ways. These are:

1. Actual constitutional diagnosis is done by observing the peculiarities of the individual during his healthy state, which is to be compared with the pathologic state. Only then, “the physician clearly perceives what is to be cured in disease, that is to say, in every individual case of disease.” §3

2. Developmental constitutional diagnosis is done by examining and finding out the various etiological factors: “the most significant points in the whole history of the chronic disease.” §5

3. Environmental constitutional diagnosis is nothing but the assessment of the modalities, or the individual’s characteristic conditions i.e. how does this person react to his environment—time, place and circumstances? •••

Constitutional medicine: Any and every antipsoric medicines are constitutional medicines. Constitutional medicine corrects the constitutional defect, inherent and acquired. Constitutional medicine acts best only after other miasmatic effects are removed or brought to latent state.

“The Dictionary of Organon” by R. R. Joardar, Pages 81, 89, 90,117 ••• Different angles are considered, through constitutional diagnosis, to find out the miasmatic cause of an individual. But, with this procedure, the correct decision regarding miasmatic diagnosis is practically impossible. There is no other way to reach conclusive decision about miasmatic diagnosis without considering the individual’s philosophy of early life. Whereas, with the divine idea of Real Homoeopathy (philosophy of early life, six cycles, etc.), the right decision regarding similimum (most similar medicine) is quite possible.

••• The tree (i.e. idea) of “GO BACK” procedure, the Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system, was possibly born from the seed (idea) of the “constitution” by Stuart Close and something more. “That patient has the same disease he had when he was born. This array of symptoms represents the same state before the pathological conditions have been formed as after. And it is true, if he has liver disease or brain disease or any of the many tissue changes that they call disease, you must go back and procure these very symptoms before you can make a prescription. Prescribing for the results of disease causes changes in the results of disease, but not in the sickness except to hurry its progress.”

[“Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy” by James Tyler Kent, Chapter: The Sick, Page 23]

The term “real homoeopathy” was first mentioned by Dr. James Tyler Kent in his book, “Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica,” chapter ‘Carbo vegetabilis,’ 30th paragraph. He has very beautifully mentioned: “You will be astonished, after ten years of real homoeopathic practice, that you have so few deformed babies; that they have all grown up and prospered; that their little defects and deformities have been outgrown, and that they are more beautiful than most children, because they have been kept orderly. The doctor watches and studies him, and feeds him a little medicine now and then, that the mother suspects is sugar, to keep on the good side of the baby. She need not know that it is medicine, or that anything is the matter with the baby. So he watches the development of that little one, grows him out of all his unhealthy tendencies. The children that grow up under the care of the homoeopathic physician will never have consumption, or Bright’s disease; they are all turned into order, and they will die of old age, or be worn out properly by business cares; they will not rust out. It is the duty of the physician to watch the little ones. To save them from their inheritances and their downward tendencies is the greatest work of his life.”

This means homoeopathy is a therapeutic science based on symptom similarity, and can be done two ways:

1. Superficial way of homoeopathic treatment, and

2. Actual way of homoeopathic treatment i.e. “GO BACK” procedure of Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system

1] The superficial way of homoeopathic treatment is done by giving importance to the present situation i.e. present physical as well as mental signs and symptoms, present pathological report, etc. In a word, only present information— sensation, causation, location, modalities, concomitant, desires and aversions i.e. “the results of disease” are given the most importance. But the origin of “this present” i.e. “true diseases” is never considered seriously. Very few respectable homoeopathic physicians try to find out the miasmatic cause behind this present situation or sufferings, by using the present

● “the results of disease” is caused by harmful product produced by detrimental group of genes influenced by external as well as internal environments.

● “causes changes in the results of disease” means destruction of harmful product produced by harmful group of genes.

● “not in the sickness” means existence of six true diseases is not considered at all for the treatment. So production of harmful things cannot be stopped by the breaking of the chain of harmful reaction. Since the medicine does not consider the true disease, in spite of administrating similar medicine, the previous (poisonous) internal environment remains undisturbed.

● “except to hurry its progress” means the complications of the internal economy of the individual tend to increase rapidly. Because harmful product is destroyed by superficial, similar medicine but the production cannot be stopped with the breaking of chain of reaction. Rather, it increases gradually, as the active and overactive harmful group of genes responsible for different true diseases cannot be transformed into inactive one by the superficial similar medicine.

Indications, past history of the patient and family history of nearest family members. Considering above indications, similar medicine is prescribed and patient becomes free from present sufferings in a short while. In this context, J. T. Kent has said: “Prescribing for the results of disease causes changes in the results of disease, but not in the sickness except to hurry its progress.”

2] Actual way of homoeopathic treatment i.e. “GO BACK” procedure of Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system.

It is the only therapeutic system that treats the apparently healthy individual (sick), giving utmost importance to the six true diseases with the help of philosophy of early life. To treat a patient with cough or cancer, the same procedure is followed strictly, without considering the present signs and symptoms of present sufferings of the patient i.e. “the results of the six true diseases”; only with the help of philosophy of early life, the six true diseases are considered for treating an individual suffering from any critical situation (results of disease). Because every individual starts its journey as a unicellular zygote in the mother’s womb, it contains one group of beneficial genes from which vital force originates and six groups of harmful genes which are responsible for the six true diseases and the source of innumerable “results of disease” when they become overactive. Generally the two types of genes run side by side, without disturbing one another. When the different active group of harmful genes are influenced and become overactive either naturally or with the influence of the external environment, the production of harmful protein starts increasing and the internal environment of the individual becomes poisonous with the harmful products, and different results of disease are observed.

The only procedure of treatment, following the principles of “GO BACK” procedure of Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system, is able to transform active and overactive harmful group of genes to inactive one. As a result, a sick as well as a diseased individual will be able to fight against any adverse situation and with nature’s law. The individual must enjoy a perfectly healthy life in spite of any kind of unfavorable or polluted external environment if the treatment is done strictly following the principles of Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system with the repetition of six cycles.

The Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system has the following advantages:

1] For treatment, only information regarding philosophy of early life is needed but for confirmation, philosophy of present age is important as well, for which the I.Q. or the intelligence or the sixth sense of the physician is enough.

2] When a patient is brought in for treatment in a critical or grave condition, no information i.e. no case-taking, no pathological report is needed for the selection of medicine of the first prescription, i.e. for the first cycle.

3] During case-taking, no information regarding symptom of present suffering is needed, but for the evaluation of treatment it is a must i.e. after taking Real Homoeopathic medicine one has to make sure if there is any change of consciousness towards positive, the sense of well-being (reasonable temperament, sound bowel movement, sound sleep, reasonable appetite and flexibility regarding choice of food items) is established or not.

4] For the treatment of a child (up to the age of five), no information or symptom is needed. [Except stool, urine, appetite, weeping and cheerfulness which are not needed for the selection of medicine but for the evaluation of the situation after administration of similimum i.e. most similar medicine. In one word, it is needed for evaluation of treatment.]

5] Only eight medicines (Hydrophobinum, Psorinum, Drosera r., Syphilinum, Thuja oc., Medorrhinum, Carbo veg., Carbo an.) out of eight thousand medicines are needed for the treatment of different kinds of patients all over the world.

6] Materia Medica and Repertory are not needed for the selection of medicine except materia medica on philosophy of life.

Note: “Symptoms” from Materia Medica and “rubrics” from Repertory indicate or express the information regarding the present situation i.e. results of disease, whereas philosophy of early life indicates the origin of this present situation i.e. the true diseases i.e. source of abnormal physical conditions or sufferings and deviations or perversions of mental state caused by the presence of harmful product in the human economy produced by harmful genes which are influenced and activated by the external as well as internal environments. Again, symptoms may be suppressed or palliated or annihilated with any medicine of any therapeutic system, whereas philosophy of early life may not; it can be changed only with the help of treatment strictly following the principles of “GO BACK” procedure of Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system. Homoeopathic science starts with symptoms which were known from “Drug-proving” and is related to “results of disease” which is going on for more than 225 years. According to J. T. Kent, homoeopathic treatment is of two types— superficial and real. Regarding superficial homoeopathic

treatment, Kent has mentioned it in the fifth observation in his philosophy. And regarding Real Homoeopathic treatment J.T.Kent has mentioned in the chapter “Carbo vegetabilis” in his Materia Medica.

According to advanced studies, Real Homoeopathy deals with “symptoms of true diseases” which is actually philosophy of early life. In Real Homoeopathy, medicine is selected without considering any sign and symptoms of present results of disease. This is the beauty of the “GO BACK” procedure in Real Homoeopathic therapeutic system.


Every individual starts its journey as single cell zygote is having vital force and disease force controlled by different group of genes. Vital force is originated from the activities of beneficial proteins which is produced by beneficial group of genes. And disease force is originated from the combined action of six true diseases which is controlled by various kinds of harmful proteins which are produced from six groups of detrimental genes. These harmful group of genes may remain in three states in an individual, respectively ----inactive or active or overactive state or all six true diseases may remain in different state in an individual (one or more may remain in inactive state, one or more may remain in active state, and one or more may remain in overactive state) which are inherited from ancestors. When an individual is having either inactive or active state of harmful group of genes is considered as healthy individual (apparently) as there is no complaint or suffering i.e., no results of disease is observed; but true diseases are present always (since unicellular zygote up to last breath). During apparently healthy state, beneficial proteins or enzymes from beneficial group of genes and harmful enzymes or proteins from harmful group of genes neutralize each other in every cell of the body. As a result, the individual enjoy healthy life. Hence, all the cellular activities of the body are controlled by both the forces, vital force as well as disease force.

The rate of production of different group of harmful proteins or enzymes increases at uncontrolled rate naturally or due to the adverse effect of the external environment. But the rate of production of beneficial group of enzymes or protein remains unchanged. As a result, vital force falls behind in competition. Then the harmful group of genes control all the cellular activities disharmoniously and produce different toxic materials in every cell. As a result, the cell becomes weak and so becomes the victim of adverse circumstances easily. It happens in every cell of the human body. This situation is considered as “fertile state” of internal economy of an individual. Then the individual becomes the victim of different results of disease gradually. Different therapeutic systems treat them considering present signs, symptoms and pathological reports. As the actual source, the sickness, i.e. six groups of harmful genes remain untreated. So the actual disease factor, the true diseases become more and more powerful and attack horribly to the individual.

According to Sir, J. T. Kent, “Prescribing for the results of disease causes changes in the results of disease, but not in the sickness except to hurry its progress.”

In “GO BACK” procedure of Real Homoeopathic Therapeutic System, the actual source i.e. six group of harmful genes responsible for six true diseases are treated only with 8 (eight) medicines by which above mentioned harmful group of genes become inactive permanently.

In Real Homoeopathy, immediately after administration of medicine, silenced group of genes become active and start action very quickly. Different toxic materials are produced in every cell through various organo-chemical reactions are neutralized shortly by the activities of both silenced group of genes and beneficial group of genes from which vital force is originated. As a result, well being sensations appear in the mind of suffering individual immediately. Next, in course of time, all the harmful organo-chemical reactions are stopped completely. Next, all the cellular activities are being controlled harmoniously by the beneficial group of genes i.e. vital force. As a result, the previous sufferings never reappear.

In Real Homoeopathy, as the treatment is done for the six true diseases i.e. six group of harmful genes to make them permanently inactive, so other inherited disease, like ---- diabetes, hypertension, breathing difficulties, etc. will never appear in life. Now it’s time to make decision sacrificing entire mankind and world peace through symptom based treatment or calling for world peace by eradicating all diseases and sufferings with the help of philosophy of earliest part of life of an individual.